Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Epigenetics is a new science that started in 2001 during the end phase of The Human Genome Project.  Epi means upon or above and demonstrates the meaning that the control of health is not in the genes as it was hypothesized in the 1950's.  1951 was the first time that the amino acid sequence for insulin was discovered and the concept of genetic engineering or manipulation first began.

Scientists continue to chase this concept through research projects trying to interfere with genetic expression.  However, they are missing the most important component to gene expression:  signaling from the environment.

The signal is vitally important to the expression of genetic potential and dictates whether a gene is expressed or silenced.  Signals are growth hormones, hormones, RNA, etc. that are sent to a receptor on the cell membrane in order to activate the appropriate proteins or DNA to complete the biochemical reaction that is necessary or that is being asked because of the signal.

Nutrients, beliefs, thoughts, and emotions are all components that impact or influence the signal that is sent to the cell membrane.  Our thoughts, thus, do not simply exist in our mind, but are involved in a cascade of genetic and chemical reactions that either build health or bring destruction to our bodies.

It is vitally important that we have the proper understanding of genetics and epigenetics because it will impact our health.  If I believe that genes control the outcome of my health, I will take a drastically different approach to my lifestyle and health than if I believe that every thought, emotion, belief, nutrient, and toxin impacts the expression of my genetic potential.  If genes do dictate my health outcomes, having radical surgery performed to prevent the expression of a breast cancer gene would make sense.  However, if my lifestyle, beliefs, and environment dictate whether this gene is expressed or not, then I can take a more proactive approach to controlling my internal and external environment and may never experience the expression of a breast cancer gene.