Why mining for diamonds? Good question. You are very astute.
As I step out into this new venture, I believe that I will have the opportunity to discover beautiful and rare jewels in unexpected places. Yes, I believe that I will become the next billionaire. How you ask?
Well, I am going to to Africa where 50% of the worlds diamonds come from.....so I am sure I will encounter a lot of diamonds.
Also, I believe that I am called to discover and uncover the treasures that have been placed inside of people but may be buried underneath hurt, abuse, and lies. Armed with the truth, light, and love, I plan on going on the offense and recovering these gems. I am sure that I will find rubies, emeralds, and pearls along with many diamonds.
As I speak of in my profile, I am avidly interested in loving people until they melt. I am very excited for the opportunity to go over to South Africa to learn a new language of love in a culture very distinct from my own. I hope to be marked and changed by the beauty and the difference of lifestyle and thinking. I hope to learn, to grow deep with the people of Africa, and to find myself more and more.
I believe that I will. I believe that it is possible that my life can be changed and that other lives can be changed as well as I follow the leading, as I let my heart be drawn into love, and as I let go and let myself and others be free.
Thank you so much for your prayers, support, and encouragement as I step out into a new adventure and challenge! Come along for the ride as I blog, post pictures, and tell stories about the people who I meet and the experiences that surprise, change, and inspire me!
Watch this amazing Utube video about jewels appearing from heaven in this church! What an amazing miracle!
More to come on the other side of the world!