Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Get At The Roots!

Have you ever tried weeding a garden? My mother is a gardener and she has a huge garden in her backyard that has taken years to perfect and beautify. Part of the process of making a beautiful masterpiece is the mundane, back-breaking work of weeding. No one wants to do it and yet, without proper care and concern the weeds will grow and overtake the beauty of the garden. The thing about weeding is that if you don't use your core muscles, if you don't pull close to the ground to get the roots, and if you don't concentrate on what you are doing, you will pull and break half of the weed off and leave the roots to grow deeper and stronger....just to spite you the weeds will actually dig in deeper and grow more wild and crazy the next round....leaving you discouraged and impatient with this whole garden thing.

In fact, one time my roommate and I tried to start a garden. We lived in Nashville at the time and went to Home Depot, super excited with the new endeavor. The helpful worker looked at us as we explained our plan to create a master garden...she looked at us and her stare become more and more blank until she managed to interrupt our excitement to tell us, "you are not going to get a garden planted in this season, wrong season." She walked away clearly annoyed at our lack of understanding of seasons and timing to plant....and we were struck with dismay and then laughter at the obvious mistake of trying to garden in the fall......

That brings me to my next question, have ever tried "weeding" your life?  Now that is intense. If you don't find the right roots or even know that roots exist, you may find yourself in the jungles of Africa with no guide and get you out of the mess that was created all around you without seemingly any input or agreement on your just happened you will say, or how did this happen to me? I never invited this mess of weeds and all of a sudden, out of no where, the weeds will start their master plan of destroying your garden, your heart, your soul...

I, as a Nutritional Therapist, love the back-breaking effort of weeding and find the exact place of the roots to free people of bothersome and stubborn weeds.....I am way more stubborn than the weeds and they will have to fight quite a bit to get free from the tug and pull of my weeding skills.

In celebration of my 4th year as a Nutritional Therapist in Minnesota, I am reintroducing the efforts of the blog!! I have been asked by clients to create and maintain a blog, which I have been fighting tooth and nail to avoid and yet....I am intrigued and inspired by the challenge to write and express my thoughts, ideas, and emotions regarding health and YOU.....the most important person in this process...the one that is seeking, the one that is open, and the one that is desiring to be healthy and willing to fight to get to the root and go against the grain of culture norms.

I am excited to be partnering with 3 new locations this year: Moore Chiropractic in Edina, Indulge Salon and Spa in White Bear Lake, and Jesse Tomme Salon and Spa in Mahtomedi. Please do not hesitate to contact, comment, tweet, call, email, pin, blog, or send a letter to me in order to communicate most effectively and to find the best partnership that we can find in your effort to become and maintain health and healing!

Here is a picture of one my clients who was able to "Get at the Roots" and lose 30-pounds and to maintain her progress: Weight loss truly does not have to be a yo-yo process of up and down and frustrating moments of spinning out of control with your weight. We can truly find the roots of your weight loss challenges. Finding exactly why the extra weight is there is my ultimate goal and that we accomplish through various nutritional testing methods. More on this in my next blog.....Nutritional Testing and its many benefits! But for now, with the sun out and spring/summer/fall upon us.....start working on your garden outside and inside.....