In what areas are you taking full responsibility of your
life? In what areas are you only taking
partial responsibility of your life? How
successful are the areas of your life that you are only taking partial
When it comes to our personal health goals, taking full
responsibility is so important to becoming healthy and well. So many times, I am in a session with a
client and they talk themselves out of deciding to pursue health.
There are many reasons why it seems easier to not take full
responsibility. For example, it is
cheaper, more convenient, and much easier to eat fast food or to eat pizza for
dinner. But with every decision, I will
bear the consequence to that decision.
If the decision becomes a pattern, my health will eventually suffer for
this pattern.
If I don’t take full responsibility for my health, other
areas of my life will most definitely be affected as well. The tough truth is that if my health is not
my responsibility because it is “too hard” or “too expensive” or because there
are just too many treats at my office, then I am deferring my responsibility
and avoiding the tasks and diligence that it requires to be healthy. Thus, I am even forgoing my right to have
“The truth that you are in charge of your life will set you
free only after it really irritates you (Sky St. John).” It may be an irritating truth that you are
the only one in charge of your health, your finances, your career path, and
your life and marriage. It is so
annoying that no one can really help me until I decide that I am taking
charge. However, once I delve into the
responsibility, I feel the benefits of the diligence and the decision to pursue
Any decision that I defer and chose not to make is already
made for me. If I chose not to ask my
boss for a raise, then I chose to stay where I am in my company. If I chose to leave my job and start a
business, then the success or failure of that business is my responsibility and
I will reap the joy or sorrow of the end result.
When I was 25 years old, I took the first step of taking
full responsibility of my health by reading 1 book. As soon as I read that book, I made a
decision to change my entire lifestyle to support health. As soon as I was 30 days into the journey, I was
reaping the benefits of more energy, more joy, and more clarity in my mind.
So many of us surrender to the “reality of aging” or have
the mentality that certain symptoms of aging are “normal.” This is a small way that we defer the
responsibility that we have to take care of our health.
“Full responsibility is acknowledging that life is my
mirror, every thought is a request, and the only thing that I need to change in
order to be happier is me (MK Mueller).”
I have spoken to married women before who are bitter, angry, and
hardened towards their husbands. Many
times, I hear the women complain bitterly that if only their husband loved them
more then they would be happy or they would be able to love their children
more. I was saddened when one mother
told me how she rejected her son because she was not happy in her marriage with
her husband. Her son suffered much by
being rejected by his mother. However, she
did not take full responsibility for this thought and behavior towards her
child. Rather, she blamed her husband
for her rejecting her son.
As long as she continues to believe the lie that her husband
is responsible for the rejection of her son, she will continue with the behavior
of rejecting her son. The husband will
not suffer for it because he is oblivious.
Instead, she and her son will suffer the consequences of this grave
We only have control over our own lives and we have no
control over the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of other human being. We must choose to take full responsibility of
our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
When we change our attitude towards our health by choosing the annoying
reality that I am the only one who will keep myself health, then we will reap
the benefits of choosing a healthy lifestyle.