Monday, April 11, 2016

Emotional Roots to Cancer

These days, there are many organizations who raise money for researching and finding THE cure for cancer.  Why, if the standards of treatment have been established since the 1940’s of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, are people in search for the cure?  Possibly, we have a sense that we have not fully discovered the most successful outcomes using the current methods of treatment.

While the cause of finding the cure to cancer is noble and needed, the concept is also riddled with misunderstandings and a lack of knowledge of those who have gone before us and who have had tremendous success with treating and seemingly curing cancer in thousands of patients.  Without exception, these treatments do not include chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery as their main approach.  However, they all seem to show greater promise than the statistics and empirical data of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.  Why are they not well known, if in fact they exist?

The stories of the doctors and scientists who have gone before us, will show us a glimpse of why the general public are left uninformed and unaware of great strides that have been made in cancer research as well as successful clinical application of cancer research in case studies and clinical trials.  First, I want to start with an important question for you to ponder:  If someone found an approach to cancer which demonstrated a 90% success rate in causing remission of cancer, what would happen?  How would the world respond? 

I would expect that this person would be automatically given the Noble Peace Prize and that they would be instantly famous.  This person would have thousands of patients wanting to see them, thousands of practitioners wanting to study underneath them, and millions of fans watching their work in awe.

In every case that I have studied, the response was diametrically opposite to what would be expected.  In fact, instead of being celebrated, Dr. Hamer, was put in jail for 18 months for his success of treating cancer patients in an unconventional manner.  Dr. Hamer is a German oncologist, who was practicing oncology in a conventional manner using surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, for about 15 years until his son, Dirk, was murdered.  In wake of this tragedy, both Dr. Hamer and his wife developed cancer. 

Dr. Hamer had been physically healthy up until his son’s tragic death and his subsequent diagnosis of testicular cancer.  He suspected that his other patients had similar experiences.  Dr. Hamer began to interview all of his patients to find a possible emotional link to their body’s progression to a cancer diagnosis.  In every case, Dr. Hamer found that there was a traumatic incident in which he coined The Conflict Shock Syndrome or The Dirk Hamer Syndrome (after his son). 

He abandoned the traditional model of oncology which he was trained under to develop a new approach to cancer treatment, German New Medicine.  His treatment looked beyond the physical, biochemical understandings of the development of cancer in the body, to the initiation of a conflict/shock that started in the brain.

Confirming the link of this conflict/shock, Dr. Hamer reviewed over 20,000 CT scans of cancer patients which demonstrated a lesion in the brain directly linked to the organ or area of the body affected by the cancer diagnosis.  The lesion or shadow in the brain looks like the affect of skipping a rock in water.  Spontaneous remission, as understood by Dr. Hamer, would occur as the person resolves the conflict, shock, or trauma which led to the cancer diagnosis.  When the conflict is resolved, the CT scan image changes as scar tissue along with edema develop in the same area of the brain and the cancer cells begin to be inactive or the tumor is broken up by the body.

In Japanese research, spontaneous remission occurs within less than 24 hours after the person has experienced a profound transformation in their attitude towards themselves.  This research confirms the work of Dr. Hamer and the importance of inner transformation, addressing emotional and spiritual roots to disease while expecting the body to be able to resolve the root causes of the development of the tumor.  

In all of the doctors and scientists that I have researched concerning successful approaches to cancer, no one has had the track record that Dr. Hamer demonstrates.  In treating 6,500 patients using his approach, Dr. Hamer saw 6,000 patients or 90% of his patients go into remission.  In "thanks" for his success, Dr. Hamer's medical license was revoked and he was subsequently sentenced to 18 months in prison for providing information to his patients about German New Medicine.  Unfortunately, a brilliant physician and healer was rejected by mainstream and thus many people continue to suffer under  cancer diagnosis without access to his brilliant findings and pivotal clinical applications for cancer patients.

Do you want to learn more about emotional roots to disease and how to be effective as a holistic practitioner?  In The Green Umbrella Professional Training Program, holistic practitioners will learn specific emotional roots to disease along with many valuable clinical and business tools to gain success as a practitioner both financially and clinically.  The next Professional Training Course will begin in June of 2016.  For more details on the next course, please email The Green Umbrella and visit this website:

Disclaimer:  The Green Umbrella does not diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  Consult your doctor if you suspect that you have a disease or need medical attention.