Before we dive into assassination, censorship, and my truth theories, let's wrap up about radical remissions. Last week, we established that radical remissions do occur in cancer and have potential to occur. First of all, I prefer to use the language radical remission as opposed to spontaneous remission. Spontaneous remission implies that the person who heals was doing absolutely nothing to receive a healing, simply sitting on their couch eating donuts and watching TV when all of a sudden their tumor dissolves with absolutely no engagement on their part. When you look extensively into the lives, choices, attitudes, and involvement of people who have radical remissions, you find that their remissions are everything but unexpected, spontaneous, and without any personal engagement.
Here are a few definitions of spontaneous:
- (of a process or event) occurring without apparent external cause
- Performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus.
People who have experienced what doctors term "spontaneous remissions" would probably never say that their tumors disappeared without external stimulus. Rather, they would point to many deliberate, well thought out, conscious processes that they engaged in both internally and externally in order to bring healing and wholeness to their body. The reason why they are termed "spontaneous remission" is because the doctor cannot claim that it was the chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery that caused this sudden remission. And because doctors do not implement any other tools besides chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery, there is no explanation that they would be able to take credit for or to be able to understand clinically. Thus, the external stimulus is dismissed and ignored.
The word patient means "to submit." Patients of medical treatments are expected to receive their treatment plan without question and to submit to the expertise and knowledge of the doctor. In most cases of radical remissions, the "patient" tends to take a more active role, researching and understanding their condition, finding other ways to support themselves during the healing process, and in some situations refusing the recommendation of the doctor because of their own knowledge, sense of what needs to be done, intuition, or finding another doctor or practitioner to work with on the healing path.
One doctor who was not unfamiliar with radical remissions and amazing cancer recovery stories, Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez was a brilliant cancer doctor in NYC who tragically died last July, 2015. Initially, it was suspected that Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez died of a heart attack. However, initial autopsy results concluded that he did not die of a heart attack.
In fact, in the last year, there have been about 33 holistic doctors who have died suddenly. Some of suspected suicide, some of "heart attacks", and some murdered. The strange fact is that some of these holistic doctors had a connection together and were using similar tests such as thermography scans instead of mammograms, an immune support called GCMAF used for autism and cancer to promote macrophage activity in the body, and were outspoken about the dangers and potential side effects from routine vaccinations. There are many things that stand out in all these situations. The first is that the holistic doctors ranged in age from 30's-60's and many family members and friends of those who died are questioning why they died or why they "committed suicide" as either they were very healthy or they were not suicidal.
Dr. Bradstreet was known in the autism world and treated autistic children holistically, having amazing results. Last summer, he was found in a river, shot twice in the chest by a rifle. The case is still open, but the first speculation was suicide. Despite the fact that his family members stated he was not suicidal and not depressed. Despite the fact that it is very difficult to shoot yourself twice in the chest with a rifle and then jump into a river.
And there are 31 more holistic doctors that are dead in less than a year. All were outspoken, all were effective in their clinical practice, and all were very healthy. What is going on?
Is it possible that these doctors are being targeted and murdered in an attempt to censor the public and maintain status quo of Western medical practices, Big Pharma, FDA, and to quiet the voices of those who are actually seeing success in extreme cases of autism, cancer, with natural remedies and without the use of Big Pharma.
"Assassination is the extreme form of censorship." George Shaw
Public assassination is much easier to understand and unravel such as Martin Luther King Jr. and JFK. However, there are so many details to unravel in the lives of these 33 holistic doctors to figure out exactly what happened.
I don't know what happened. However, as a truth theorist, I am suspicious of a connection. It would make more sense at this point for there to be a connection rather than 33 completely bizarre events of 33 people working in the same domain, with equal platform and success, and with collaborative efforts.
Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez was infamous for treating and helping Suzanne Sommers overcome a cancer diagnosis. He wrote books about the trophoblast theory of cancer and used pancreatic proteolytic enzymes to treat cancer (along with many other protocols and support). The trophoblast theory on cancer is based on the lifes' work of 2 doctors/scientists: John Beard and Dr. William Kelly. John Beard was a scientist who first studied and discovered how trophoblast cells create the placenta in the womb of a mother. Normally, the human immune system is trained to tag and attack any foreign matter. If a baby were to develop outside of a placenta, the immune system could potentially tag and attack the cells of the embryo, deeming it "foreign matter." However, trophoblast cells play a critical role to building a healthy baby in the womb. Trophoblast cells carry a negatively charged protein coating, which causes the immune system to be repelled instead of attracted to their energy. With beautiful synergy, the placenta is completed by the trophoblast cells at the same moment that the pancreas of the baby starts to produce pancreatic proteolytic enzymes. John Beard discovered that the pancreatic proteolytic enzymes disabled trophoblast cells right at the moment that the placenta is fully formed and now are no longer necessary.
Further, John Beard found that trophoblast cells act similar to cancer cells in the body. Cancer cells have a negatively charged protein coating. Cancer cells are invasive, undifferentiated, and aggressively multiple similar to the trophoblast cells which create the placenta. John Beard's theory was that to effectively treat cancer, high doses of proteolytic enzymes were necessary to disable the negatively charged protein coating of cancer cells in order to allow the immune system to become attracted to the cancer cells instead of repelled. He started to help doctors to use IV treatments of proteolytic enzymes and began to see the clinical application of his research as an absolute success. His life's work was embraced by a few doctors, but was never accepted in the mainstream, despite the great results.
However, Dr. William Kelly was able to later discover the research of John Beard and treated his own pancreatic cancer using proteolytic enzymes. He successfully recovered and would have been deemed a case of "spontaneous remission" by his own doctors. He began to help people diagnosed with cancer with astounding results.
Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez later connected with Dr. William Kelly and began to learn from his work and was mentored by Dr. Kelly. Prior to his death, Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez had successfully treated thousands of cancer patients. Because of his success, he was able to have a NCI funded clinical study on his pancreatic enzyme protocol. Through much resistance, the clinical trials were sabotaged as Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez writes about in one of his many books. In many of his lectures, he spoke openly about how the government or FDA would wish that he would get hit by a bus and die. Ironically, he did die in a strange manner as the autopsy revealed it was not a heart attack and it has not been released as to what was the cause of death.
Was the death of Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez and Dr. Bradstreet an attempt of censorship from a government agency or from Big Pharma or some other public entity wanting to maintain control over the beliefs, practices, and mind sets of the American people?
I don't know. But it is really creepy to me and it is not beyond the realm of possibility. Especially since we have 33 holistic doctors dead in less than one year, all involved in great work in cancer and autism.