One of my pet peeves as a Nutritional Therapist is to hear people say, "anything is fine in moderation." How many people successfully eat ice cream in moderation? One scoop leads to two which leads to three and one day a week leads to two which eventually leads to every day... In my head, I think, pesticides, herbicides, rBGH, aluminum, mercury, antibiotics, GMO's, as long as they are in "moderation," won't affect your health? I always think that "anything in moderation" mentality is avoiding the hard reality or truth that you can't just consume whatever you want and expect to be healthy. The moderation thinkers want the best of both worlds, to do/eat/think/feel/behave in any way that they want to and expect exceptional results in their health and in their lives.
Any financial advisor, if you told them that you just wanted to spend your money in moderation, ignoring your budget or the reality of your financial situation, would fire you as a client and not see you as someone serious about financial prosperity. Are you serious about prospering in your health? Then you probably want to throw "anything in moderation" mentality out of the window.
What I know about "anything in moderation," especially with sugar, is that moderation snowballs into extreme measures of sugar after every meal (even breakfast) and in between meals as well. Think of it this way: if I asked you to think about something you are afraid of, but only feel fear in moderation, would you be able to do it? A little bit of fear is hard to maintain because fear always seems to have a way of growing into immense bouts of fear that does not easily dissipate. If I entertain fear, it will grow and become the dominant emotion/mentality of the day/moment/week/year.
Back to rBGH. The problem with many carcinogens is that they are not on the label. I cannot just look at a container of ice cream and see rBGH on the ingredient label, even though more often than not, it is present.
Further, I have heard too many times, oncologists recommending that their patients eat ice cream in order to combat the side effect of weight loss coming from chemotherapy treatments. And yet, there are multiple studies linking rBGH to cancer and multiple countries in the world who have banned its use in the food supply. Beyond rBGH, we also know that sugar feeds cancer cells and suppresses the immune system. So what is the point of gaining weight with ice cream when, at the same time, you will be feeding cancer cells, suppressing your immune system, and potentially increasing tumor development?
Here are some quick facts about rBGH:
- rBGH: 1994 genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rbGH) was approved. Monsanto created rBGH by modifying naturally occurring bovine growth hormone in cattle so that milk production and profits could increase.
- rBGH is banned in the European Union, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, and Israel.
- rBGH contains Insulin-Like Growth Factor or IGF-1 which has been linked to tumor development in breast, colrectal, prostate, lung, and lymph cancers
- rBGH also causes major side effects for cattle, causing the need to use antibiotics, which are also ingested through dairy treated with rBGH. Antibiotics are a mycotoxin or a fungus which can cause bacteria at the cellular level, protits, to morph and change into a fungal-like component and lead to the eventual development of a tumor.
- Before 1995 lymph cancer was very rare
- Americans consume 180 billion pounds of dairy or 650 pounds per American per year!!
- Lab animals treated with rBGH had huge negative changes in their lymph systems
- Today, deaths from breast, prostate, lung, pancreatic, and genital cancer combined are less than the deaths from lymph cancer
- This increase started after rBGH was introduced to our animals
Let's move beyond the mentality of "everything in moderation" so that we can prosper in every area of our lives and have wisdom in what we are allowing to affect our health and wellness.