Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Dear Angelina Jolie, keep your SMILE

This letter to Angelina Jolie is a follow up to my first letter addressing her decision to remove her breasts in hopes of avoiding developing breast cancer.  In my first letter, I share how the BRCA gene is not a definitive correlation in the development of breast cancer and how damage to the mitochondria is actually the origin of the development of cancer at the cellular level, NOT damage to DNA.  Damage to the nucleus and DNA happens after damage to the mitochondria and thus targeted gene therapies and radical surgeries for those carrying the BRCA gene do not have the ability to stop the progression or development of cancer  (to read more, reference my first letter:  http://mkloek.blogspot.com/2016/06/an-open-letter-to-angelina-jolie-re.html).

In this letter, I give Angelina Jolie direction on what to focus on in order to truly prevent the development of breast cancer.  Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery DO NOT prevent the development of cancer.  Further, chemotherapy has been shown to be only 3% effective long-term in curing cancer.  

Dear Angelina Jolie,

Instead of focusing on the fear of getting cancer and electing for a double mastectomy that may or may not have any impact on whether you develop breast cancer, why don't you look at well-researched correlations to breast cancer in diet and lifestyle, make adjustments, and prevent the mutation of genetic factors?

The first correlation that I suggest you explore is the connection between root canals and breast cancer. You may be shocked and ask, what does my smile have to do with my breast tissue?  A lot, in fact.  The last 150 breast cancer patients treated in Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland found 98% of patients having one or more root canals done on the same meridian as their malignant breast tissue.  Further, Dr. Weston Price and 60 researchers studied the correlation and found 100% of breast cancer patients had root canals on the meridian connected to cancerous breast tissue (The Independent Cancer Research Foundation, http://www.new-cancer-treatments.org/ Articles/RootCanals.html).

Root canals are meant to save a tooth by cleaning out the bacteria, infected nerves, and tissue beneath a tooth.  However, after the procedure, the tooth is now dead.  Bacteria and microbes remain and begin to travel to other areas of the body, including breast tissue.  Thio-ethers are the most dangerous microbes produced by the root canal because they concentrate in the mitochondria of the cell and cause damage.  Damaged mitochondria cause a cascade of events at the cellular level which leads to energy production through fermentation, disrupted apoptosis and cell division, and damaged DNA, all hallmarks of the development of malignant cancer cells in the body.

Root canals have been linked to degenerative diseases since the research of Dr. Price.  In fact, the research of Dr. Price is so convincing that the dentist which invented the root canal, Dr. George Meinig, began speaking against root canals after being exposed to Dr. Price's data.

Angelina Jolie, after your surgery, support your body in preventing breast cancer by avoiding root canals.  The microbes from the root canal can still travel to the lymph nodes and tissue around the breasts leading to damaged mitochondria which can lead to disrupted apoptosis and malignant cancer cell growth.

We love your contributions, movies, and influence and want you to be around for a very long time.  Make sure to find a good, holistic dentist who will not make recommendations like root canals which can potentially lead to cancer.



Cancer:  Step Outside the Box by Ty Bollinger