Monday, November 14, 2016

My oncologist told me not to take supplements and antioxidants because it will interfere with chemotherapy

Since we are on the topic of the questions that I receive from clients, I need to address the following question:  Do supplements and antioxidants interfere with the effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation? A couple of weeks ago, I was speaking to a potential client who was told by her oncologist that she should not use Vitamin C infusions in her treatment plan because it will "interfere" with the effectiveness of chemotherapy. I am continually shocked at the boldness of oncologists to say that their patients cannot do some type of nutritional approach with absolutely no in depth knowledge about nutrition and cancer. Oncologists, like other doctors, do not receive any training on holistic nutritional approaches to healing. Instead, they receive a few hours of training on nutrition based upon the paradigm of a dietitian. And yet they make claims that Vitamin C interferes with chemotherapy. This is a very dangerous approach because as you will see in my understanding, nutrition, supplements, and antioxidants are shown to protect and preserve an individual who has chosen to use chemotherapy and radiation.  

Many cancer patients do not die from cancer, rather; they die from pure malnutrition or side effects from chemotherapy and radiation. 22-67% of cancer patients die from cachexia which is a wasting away disease. One of the side effects of chemotherapy drugs is leaky gut syndrome and the digestive track can become so severely damaged that the person cannot absorb nutrients properly in the small intestine. Further, chemotherapy and radiation alone are sufficient biological stressors which can induce malnutrition.

Many times, I find out that an oncologist recommended no supplements and especially not antioxidants because it "interferes" with the effective nature of chemotherapy and radiation. I even had a client state that her oncologist recommended no grapefruits because of the high Vitamin C content! And the same oncologists have been known to recommend ice cream so that the patient can gain weight. I have to laugh because chemotherapy has a 2-3% survival rate at 5 years according to the SEER report. Sometimes, I am hoping that something will interfere with "effectiveness" of chemotherapy because of how poorly it has clinically performed.

In fact, the answer to the question of antioxidants interfering with chemotherapy is directly opposite of the assumption of the oncologist. Antioxidants dramatically improve the ability for chemotherapy and radiation to kill the tumor. In an anaerobic environment or an environment deficient in oxygen, antioxidants like Vitamin C become pro-oxidative.  Pro-oxidants are free radicals that are unstable and can cause tissue damage. Cancer cells will receive high amounts of Vitamin C because it seems like glucose to the cells (cancer cells have been proven to have a high affinity towards glucose, consuming 7-8 times the amount of glucose as normal cells). And in the anaerobic environment of the tumor, the Vitamin C becomes like a free radical and causes damage to the tumor. Thus, cancer cells become more vulnerable to the pro-oxidative effect of chemotherapy and radiation.

Patients with mouth cancer were given injections of K-3 prior to radiation therapy and doubled their odds for 5-year survival (20% vs. 39%).  When Vitamins C and K were given to animals with implanted tumors, they experienced greatly improved anti-cancer effects with chemotherapy. Vitamins K and E added to chemotherapy drugs and cultured leukemia cells showed a 300% improvement in growth inhibition when compared to the chemotherapy drugs alone. I wonder what the test would look like comparing Vitamins K and E added to cultured leukemia cells without chemotherapy? This study has not been done. In fact, studies on nutrients alone without chemotherapy are not done. Part of the fear and lack of study is the fact that nutrients may actually perform better than chemotherapy. If it were proven that nutrients are more therapeutic than chemotherapy to cancer cells, an entire industry would be proven to be a fraud to the highest degradation of ethical standards.

Lung cancer patients given antioxidants prior to, during, and after radiation and chemotherapy experienced enhanced tumor destruction and longer life spans. When EPA and GLA were both added to human tumor cell lines along with chemotherapy, the cytotoxic effects of the drug was increased. In addition, animals treated with radiation for cancer experienced significant improvements in therapeutic outcomes when beta-carotene and vitamin A were added to the treatment protocol.

In my practice, I find that clients diagnosed with cancer have many significant nutritional deficiencies. One of those deficiencies that is vital to heart and brain health is Vitamin E. Heart damage is a potential side effect of chemotherapy drugs. Animals with cancer tested for Vitamin E levels experienced the greatest damage to their hearts the more extreme the Vitamin E deficiency tested. In one study, 300 mg of Vitamin E every day reduced neurotoxicity caused by cisplatin (a chemo drug) from 86% to 31%, and a 55% reduction in tingling and pain in nervous system. There was no loss in tumor kill rate from cisplatin.

Niacin combined with aspirin in 106 bladder cancer patients receiving surgery and radiation showed a 5-year survival rate of 72% vs. 27% over the control group. Loading cancer patients with 500-6,000mg of niacin is effective at reversing oxygen deficiency in solid tumor masses. Selenium is another known therapeutic agent for cancer patients. In a culture of human leukemia cells, selenium was selectively toxic. Selenium and Vitamin E did not change the efficacy of chemo drugs in ovarian and cervical cancers.

These are just some of the statistics of the protective nature of supplements and antioxidants in the lives of cancer patients. Just as I recommended not to lose hope when an oncologist tells you that you have a rare, aggressive form of cancer that cannot be addressed properly in modern oncology, I also recommend that you do not take the nutritional recommendations of your oncologist seriously and receive a second opinion from someone who has received extensive training in holistic approaches to cancer. After reading this article, you have my permission to go and eat a grapefruit and sign up for Vitamin C infusions.  Just don't tell your oncologist.

Beating Cancer With Nutrition, Quillin, Patrick.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I have a rare, aggressive form of cancer, what do I do?

I have a rare, aggressive form of cancer, what do I do?  First of all, do not panic and make decisions out of fear. There is a reason why cancer developed in your body. This is the good news. The bad news is that there are multiple reasons why cancer developed in your body. There are things that you can do to influence healing in your body. There are components to every cancer diagnosis that need to be addressed no matter where the cancer cells settled and no matter how fast or slow growing the tumor mass appears.

We live in a culture where there are specialists for everything. An eye doctor, a toe doctor, an appendix doctor, etc. We have a doctor who removes your appendix, a doctor who removes your uterus, a doctor who removes breast tissue. Thus, in this tunnel vision of specialists, we lose the big picture.  Cancer is a systemic disease, influencing and affecting every part of the body.

I have clients who come to me saying, "I have a rare, aggressive form of cancer and there are no specialists for my case. What do I do?" Or they may say, "have you ever worked with someone diagnosed with an ear tumor?" And if I have not worked with their exact type of cancer, they assume that I cannot help them.

I have good news for you. No matter where the cancer settles in the body, there are enough commonalities with cancer that I can help. Tumors do not magically show up without a rhyme or a reason. Cancer is primarily not genetic and genes typically influence 5-10% of a cancer diagnosis. Your genetic potential is influenced by what you consume, what you think, how you feel, and what carcinogens you are exposed to. There are consistent patterns and themes to all types of cancer.

Commonalities across types of cancer:

1. Cancer thrives and appears in a hypoxic environment or an environment that is oxygen deficient
2. Cancer develops in the body when the immune system is suppressed or distracted, typically because of a chronic viral condition or an autoimmune condition or chronic allergies
3. Cancer develops when someone is under severe stress or in adrenal fatigue
4. Cancer develops in the body when someone is exposed to carcinogens over a period of time such as asbestos, heavy metals, mercury, lead, pesticides, or mold
5. At the cellular level, mitochondrial disease precedes a cancer diagnosis.  When mitochondria become damaged, cellular division and apoptosis can become disrupted which is a main characteristic of cancer.
6. At the cellular level, bacteria within the cell called protits morph into a fungal form in order to cleanse toxins and waste materials in the hypoxic environment.
7. Forty percent of the immune system is in the gut. Compromise to gut integrity also means compromise to the immune system.
8. Vitamin D3 is vital to immune modulation or immune balancing. Deficiency in Vitamin D3 contributes to immune compromise in a cancer diagnosis.
9. There are multiple deficiencies involved with a cancer diagnosis because cancer is a systemic issue. Common deficiencies are Vitamin B17, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, selenium, zinc, magnesium, iodine, Vitamin E, etc.
10. Fibrocystic Breast Disease can be considered a precancerous state. Sometimes years prior to a cancer diagnosis, someone may be diagnosed with Fibrocystic Breast Disease. This would be an important time to address the imbalances in the body which lead to this fibrocystic condition in order to prevent the tissue to continue to morph until the tissue becomes cancerous.
11. Cancer cells and the tumor itself attempt to contain toxic matter in the body in order to prevent septic shock or instant death.
12. Fungus can be a component of cancer. Many people diagnosed with cancer have been exposed to mold through baked goods (aflatoxin B1), statins, or antibiotics which are both mycotoxins.
13. Liver compromise and an inability to detoxify properly is a typical component of a cancer diagnosis.
14. People who are diabetic are 3 times more likely to develop cancer in their lifetime. Pancreatic enzymes are one major control mechanism against cancer in the body. Pancreatic enzymes remove the negatively charged protein coating of the cancer cell so the immune system can be attracted instead of repelled from the cancer cells.

Cancer is a seeming paradox. At the same time there are generalized rules for how and why cancer develops in the body, each tumor and diagnosis is distinct as well. For example, cancer researchers discovered that the expression of genetic components within each tumor is as unique as a fingerprint or a snowflake. This is why there has been such a challenge at developing effective gene targeted therapies.

Unique aspects to cancer:

1.   In the endocrine system, hormones like estrogen are typically involved in a cancer diagnosis.  Estrogen is a signal molecule and is used by the body to send stem cells to repair damaged tissue.  When the damage is severe, the body may not be able to resolve the healing crisis and the cells that are trying to heal may morph into cancerous cells in order to survive in a hypoxic environment. 
2.   Each person has a unique trauma or conflict shock which may be correlated to the development of cancer.  This trauma may be correlated as to where the cancerous cells settle in the body.  For example, a major separation conflict tends to be connected to a later breast cancer diagnosis if the trauma is not resolved. 
3.  Cancer of the pancreas can be connected to diabetes or hypoglycemia.  The more blood sugar dysregulation, the more the possibility of developing cancer later in life.  Pancreatic enzymes play a vital role in removing the negatively charged protein coating which cloaks the cancer cells from the immune system.
4.  When brain tumors are examined, many times aspartame is found within the brain tumor.  Brain tumors increased by 250% when aspartame was approved by the FDA.
5.  H-Pylori is a virus that is connected many times to the development of stomach cancer. 
6.  Viral components to a cancer diagnosis can be very distinct including:  Herpes, H-pylori, Lyme disease, Hepatitis, and other chronic viral conditions weaken the immune system and allow cancer cells to replicate without intervention.
7.  Individuals with a cancer diagnosis may have an undiagnosed autoimmune condition, such as fibromyalgia, MS, Crohn's, Type I Diabetes, PCOS, etc.

There are many other commonalities and distinct factors regarding the development of cancer in the body. I am touching on a few important factors. Thus, when you or your loved one is told: "you have a rare, aggressive form of cancer..." Do not be alarmed and do not lose hope. There are many solutions to these compiling factors as cancer is a systemic disease. The body is wired to heal and to balance itself given the proper approach and support. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My journey to seeing cancer free

After many years of establishing The Green Umbrella, I have been through different seasons of growth and expansion.  I have also been through seasons of discouragement, disillusionment, and even despair. 

However, I learned something valuable during every season of my business.  There is nothing like real world business experience to guide you into a place of wisdom and precision in execution. 

I remember vividly a season where I became very passive with my business.  I lost a lot of confidence after presenting to a big crowd at a chiropractors office and not executing the meeting well.  After the meeting, I had only 1 new client sign up to work with me.  I became so disappointed and discouraged.  It demotivated me and stole all my creative energy as I thought through what I could have done differently. 

I felt alone, isolated, and misunderstood.  How could I make my voice heard and the passion of my heart understood?  I felt like my business was beyond repair. 

The death of my friend after a long battle of cancer shook me out of my pity party.  A new and different wave of grieving overtook my heart.  This grieving seemed more productive because it wasn’t about my small business and financial challenges, it was about a larger issue in our culture. 

My friend represented a large population in America of people who were diagnosed with a disease that many deem incurable, insurmountable, and most definitely a sentence of death.  When I discovered that over 1,500 Americans were dying of cancer every single day, I knew that I needed to be a part of the solution.  This is the same as 3 normal size airplanes crashing every day and killing everyone aboard.  

I began to throw myself into research about alternative methods to supporting a client with cancer nutritionally.  My despair turned into hope.  I learned and started to view cancer in a very different light.  It wasn’t a hopeless diagnosis, there were many brilliant scientists and doctors to stand on the shoulders of and to offer a beacon of light in a diagnosis of cancer. 

My sorrow and grieving slowly moved into a passionate, renewed purpose of helping people who have no hope.  I started working with more complicated cases with confidence and started to watch as my business evolved and transformed into something new and something I was able to fully engage my mind, heart, and passion to creating. 

After finding great success with difficult cases of autism, cancer, and autoimmune conditions, my passions directed towards training others to move through the challenges and to find the pathway to success as a holistic practitioner.  The Green Umbrella Professional Training Program was birthed in 2014.    

There are many business courses and opportunities to grow as an NTP.  What makes The Green Umbrella distinct? 

This is not your average business course with strategies and step by step financial plans or marketing strategies.  This is about YOU.  What is holding you back from living the life of your dreams?  What is hindering you from confidently and boldly pursuing your life vision? 

After 15 years of working in many different modalities in the healing realm including counseling, pastoral ministry, and Nutritional Therapy, I have put together a clinical application and business course designed to challenge you to grow into the practitioner that exudes healing and great expectations for clients and business ventures. 

In The Green Umbrella Professional Training Course, we explore subconscious doubts and fears that sabotage your efforts as a practitioner.  We guide you in building a strong, confident internal prototype to set yourself up for success as you step by step implement your external prototype of your business. 

I guide you through understanding clinical knowledge in more complicated client cases including autism, digestive disorders, leaky gut, depression, cancer, autoimmune disease, thyroid conditions, and more!  I share with you my most valuable protocols and clinical tools that will help your clients gain the success in their health that you are desiring as a practitioner. 

As your clinical success improves and your internal business confidence, savvy, and vision expands, you will start feeling motivated and inspired to take action and become proactive in the areas where you have been feeling stuck or passive. 

Here are some examples of clients that I have helped and clients that you will begin to gain confidence in helping as well:  


"In the past, I had a diagnosis of prostate cancer and had my prostate removed.  More recently, I had my PSA tested in March of this year and found out that it had jumped dramatically in 4 months to 134.  Through the supplements that Megan established, dietary changes, prayer surrounding emotional and spiritual roots to disease, after 2 years my PSA score dropped to 1.33.  Unbelievable." ~ Randy 

We have our Carter back

"Before the diagnosis of autism, one of the main ways that we felt we 'lost' Carter was in his regression of communication.  Carter had previously been calling me mama, saying zebra and triangle, and playing with his red rocket ship.  We knew something was terribly wrong when he started to regress in communication and 'checked out' when his sister and I talked.  Meg's wealth of nutritional knowledge helped us regain hope and to begin seeing immediate behavioral results as we implemented the plan.  We saw many great changes including starting to hug/cuddle again, crying when hurt instead of not noticing the pain, playing imaginative play again.  And the best improvement was the day he started talking again!  The day he said a word I recognized (instead of a shriek or a babble), I repeated the word back and his face just LIT UP!  I cried with relief.  We are thrilled to have our Carter back!"  ~Crista, Carter, Chad, and Emma

Testimonials of trainees who benefited greatly from The Green Umbrella Professional Training Program:

"The Green Umbrella Professional Training Program is an invaluable program that not only helped develop me as a young professional, but also gave me tools to grow beyond what I thought was possible.  In this 5-month program, I went from a small home-based practice with inconsistent client base, to an in-house NTP for a gym of well over 500 members and a consistent influx of clientele.  My business has grown 10X the size in a short 5-months and I am now leaving my part-time job to do Nutritional Therapy full-time.  Meg's mentorship helped me to realize that the only thing stopping me from reaching my dreams is myself, and she gave me the tools to overcome the internal battle so that I would be thriving, inside and out." (Elise Hawkins)

Contact me today to join The Green Umbrella Professional Training Program that is starting January 2017!

Inbox me to set up a free 20 minute consult to talk about how I can help you with your business and clinical practice!