I have a rare, aggressive form of cancer, what do I do? First of all, do not panic and make decisions out of fear. There is a reason why cancer developed in your body. This is the good news. The bad news is that there are multiple reasons why cancer developed in your body. There are things that you can do to influence healing in your body. There are components to every cancer diagnosis that need to be addressed no matter where the cancer cells settled and no matter how fast or slow growing the tumor mass appears.
We live in a culture where there are specialists for everything. An eye doctor, a toe doctor, an appendix doctor, etc. We have a doctor who removes your appendix, a doctor who removes your uterus, a doctor who removes breast tissue. Thus, in this tunnel vision of specialists, we lose the big picture. Cancer is a systemic disease, influencing and affecting every part of the body.
I have clients who come to me saying, "I have a rare, aggressive form of cancer and there are no specialists for my case. What do I do?" Or they may say, "have you ever worked with someone diagnosed with an ear tumor?" And if I have not worked with their exact type of cancer, they assume that I cannot help them.
I have good news for you. No matter where the cancer settles in the body, there are enough commonalities with cancer that I can help. Tumors do not magically show up without a rhyme or a reason. Cancer is primarily not genetic and genes typically influence 5-10% of a cancer diagnosis. Your genetic potential is influenced by what you consume, what you think, how you feel, and what carcinogens you are exposed to. There are consistent patterns and themes to all types of cancer.
Commonalities across types of cancer:
We live in a culture where there are specialists for everything. An eye doctor, a toe doctor, an appendix doctor, etc. We have a doctor who removes your appendix, a doctor who removes your uterus, a doctor who removes breast tissue. Thus, in this tunnel vision of specialists, we lose the big picture. Cancer is a systemic disease, influencing and affecting every part of the body.
I have clients who come to me saying, "I have a rare, aggressive form of cancer and there are no specialists for my case. What do I do?" Or they may say, "have you ever worked with someone diagnosed with an ear tumor?" And if I have not worked with their exact type of cancer, they assume that I cannot help them.
I have good news for you. No matter where the cancer settles in the body, there are enough commonalities with cancer that I can help. Tumors do not magically show up without a rhyme or a reason. Cancer is primarily not genetic and genes typically influence 5-10% of a cancer diagnosis. Your genetic potential is influenced by what you consume, what you think, how you feel, and what carcinogens you are exposed to. There are consistent patterns and themes to all types of cancer.
Commonalities across types of cancer:
1. Cancer thrives and appears in a hypoxic environment or an environment that is oxygen deficient
2. Cancer develops in the body when the immune system is suppressed or distracted, typically because of a chronic viral condition or an autoimmune condition or chronic allergies
3. Cancer develops when someone is under severe stress or in adrenal fatigue
4. Cancer develops in the body when someone is exposed to carcinogens over a period of time such as asbestos, heavy metals, mercury, lead, pesticides, or mold
5. At the cellular level, mitochondrial disease precedes a cancer diagnosis. When mitochondria become damaged, cellular division and apoptosis can become disrupted which is a main characteristic of cancer.
6. At the cellular level, bacteria within the cell called protits morph into a fungal form in order to cleanse toxins and waste materials in the hypoxic environment.
7. Forty percent of the immune system is in the gut. Compromise to gut integrity also means compromise to the immune system.
8. Vitamin D3 is vital to immune modulation or immune balancing. Deficiency in Vitamin D3 contributes to immune compromise in a cancer diagnosis.
9. There are multiple deficiencies involved with a cancer diagnosis because cancer is a systemic issue. Common deficiencies are Vitamin B17, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, selenium, zinc, magnesium, iodine, Vitamin E, etc.
10. Fibrocystic Breast Disease can be considered a precancerous state. Sometimes years prior to a cancer diagnosis, someone may be diagnosed with Fibrocystic Breast Disease. This would be an important time to address the imbalances in the body which lead to this fibrocystic condition in order to prevent the tissue to continue to morph until the tissue becomes cancerous.
11. Cancer cells and the tumor itself attempt to contain toxic matter in the body in order to prevent septic shock or instant death.
12. Fungus can be a component of cancer. Many people diagnosed with cancer have been exposed to mold through baked goods (aflatoxin B1), statins, or antibiotics which are both mycotoxins.
13. Liver compromise and an inability to detoxify properly is a typical component of a cancer diagnosis.
14. People who are diabetic are 3 times more likely to develop cancer in their lifetime. Pancreatic enzymes are one major control mechanism against cancer in the body. Pancreatic enzymes remove the negatively charged protein coating of the cancer cell so the immune system can be attracted instead of repelled from the cancer cells.
Cancer is a seeming paradox. At the same time there are generalized rules for how and why cancer develops in the body, each tumor and diagnosis is distinct as well. For example, cancer researchers discovered that the expression of genetic components within each tumor is as unique as a fingerprint or a snowflake. This is why there has been such a challenge at developing effective gene targeted therapies.
Unique aspects to cancer:
2. Cancer develops in the body when the immune system is suppressed or distracted, typically because of a chronic viral condition or an autoimmune condition or chronic allergies
3. Cancer develops when someone is under severe stress or in adrenal fatigue
4. Cancer develops in the body when someone is exposed to carcinogens over a period of time such as asbestos, heavy metals, mercury, lead, pesticides, or mold
5. At the cellular level, mitochondrial disease precedes a cancer diagnosis. When mitochondria become damaged, cellular division and apoptosis can become disrupted which is a main characteristic of cancer.
6. At the cellular level, bacteria within the cell called protits morph into a fungal form in order to cleanse toxins and waste materials in the hypoxic environment.
7. Forty percent of the immune system is in the gut. Compromise to gut integrity also means compromise to the immune system.
8. Vitamin D3 is vital to immune modulation or immune balancing. Deficiency in Vitamin D3 contributes to immune compromise in a cancer diagnosis.
9. There are multiple deficiencies involved with a cancer diagnosis because cancer is a systemic issue. Common deficiencies are Vitamin B17, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, selenium, zinc, magnesium, iodine, Vitamin E, etc.
10. Fibrocystic Breast Disease can be considered a precancerous state. Sometimes years prior to a cancer diagnosis, someone may be diagnosed with Fibrocystic Breast Disease. This would be an important time to address the imbalances in the body which lead to this fibrocystic condition in order to prevent the tissue to continue to morph until the tissue becomes cancerous.
11. Cancer cells and the tumor itself attempt to contain toxic matter in the body in order to prevent septic shock or instant death.
12. Fungus can be a component of cancer. Many people diagnosed with cancer have been exposed to mold through baked goods (aflatoxin B1), statins, or antibiotics which are both mycotoxins.
13. Liver compromise and an inability to detoxify properly is a typical component of a cancer diagnosis.
14. People who are diabetic are 3 times more likely to develop cancer in their lifetime. Pancreatic enzymes are one major control mechanism against cancer in the body. Pancreatic enzymes remove the negatively charged protein coating of the cancer cell so the immune system can be attracted instead of repelled from the cancer cells.
Cancer is a seeming paradox. At the same time there are generalized rules for how and why cancer develops in the body, each tumor and diagnosis is distinct as well. For example, cancer researchers discovered that the expression of genetic components within each tumor is as unique as a fingerprint or a snowflake. This is why there has been such a challenge at developing effective gene targeted therapies.
Unique aspects to cancer:
1. In the endocrine system, hormones like estrogen are typically
involved in a cancer diagnosis. Estrogen
is a signal molecule and is used by the body to send stem cells to repair
damaged tissue. When the damage is
severe, the body may not be able to resolve the healing crisis and the cells
that are trying to heal may morph into cancerous cells in order to survive in a hypoxic environment.
2. Each person has a unique trauma or conflict shock which may be
correlated to the development of cancer.
This trauma may be correlated as to where the cancerous cells settle in
the body. For example, a major
separation conflict tends to be connected to a later breast cancer
diagnosis if the trauma is not resolved.
3. Cancer of the pancreas can be connected to diabetes or
hypoglycemia. The more blood sugar
dysregulation, the more the possibility of developing cancer later in
life. Pancreatic enzymes play a vital
role in removing the negatively charged protein coating which cloaks the cancer
cells from the immune system.
4. When brain tumors are examined, many times aspartame is found
within the brain tumor. Brain tumors increased by 250% when aspartame was approved by the FDA.
5. H-Pylori is a virus that is connected many times to the development of stomach cancer.
6. Viral components to a cancer diagnosis can be very distinct including: Herpes, H-pylori, Lyme disease, Hepatitis, and other chronic viral conditions weaken the immune system and allow cancer cells to replicate without intervention.
7. Individuals with a cancer diagnosis may have an undiagnosed autoimmune condition, such as fibromyalgia, MS, Crohn's, Type I Diabetes, PCOS, etc.
There are many other commonalities and distinct factors regarding the development of cancer in the body. I am touching on a few important factors. Thus, when you or your loved one is told: "you have a rare, aggressive form of cancer..." Do not be alarmed and do not lose hope. There are many solutions to these compiling factors as cancer is a systemic disease. The body is wired to heal and to balance itself given the proper approach and support.
There are many other commonalities and distinct factors regarding the development of cancer in the body. I am touching on a few important factors. Thus, when you or your loved one is told: "you have a rare, aggressive form of cancer..." Do not be alarmed and do not lose hope. There are many solutions to these compiling factors as cancer is a systemic disease. The body is wired to heal and to balance itself given the proper approach and support.