The concept that cancer develops as a result of many nutritional deficiencies can be hard to understand. How can a deficiency lead to the development of a tumor? First of all, like the supposed checks and balances in our government (not working so well lately), your body has checks and balances. A percentage of all your cells will become cancerous (approximately 1%), but don't worry, this doesn't mean that you will ever be diagnosed with cancer. Your body has a way of managing and destroying cancer cells. It helps the body to stay fine tuned and ready to deal with cancer when it comes with a vengeance.
There are several deficiencies that contribute to a cancer diagnosis, but we will not be looking at all of them today. We will focus on one deficiency.
Why does the airline hostess tell you to put on your oxygen mask first? Because without oxygen, you will die, making oxygen one of the most important nutrients to your survival. Your body is 70-80% water and water is 89% oxygen by weight and amasses 62-71% of the body. Further, 90% of your biological energy comes from oxygen.
Within your cell, the mitochondria is responsible for cellular energy and produces ATP (the energy of your cells) through the respiration of oxygen. This is the most efficient way for the mitochondria to produce cellular energy. However, sometimes the body is exposed to carcinogens and the mitochondria become damaged. When the mitochondria are damaged, they can begin to use fermented glucose in order to produce ATP. This is a very inefficient way to produce cellular energy. If enough mitochondria become damaged in the body, a person can develop mitochondrial disease which basically means that their mitochondria is not producing a sufficient amount of ATP and is fermenting glucose to produce this energy instead of respiring oxygen.
The interesting fact is that chemotherapy and radiation both produce oxygen in the body and activates events that end up destroying cancer cells. If this is all that chemotherapy and radiation did in the body, it would be wonderful and more people would be healed of cancer. However, chemotherapy is highly toxic and also destroys the fast growing tissue of the digestive track and the immune system. Once chemotherapy is introduced into the body, it is a race to see what it will destroy first: the tumor or the digestive track and immune system. If it is the latter, the person may die from an overdose of chemotherapy or they will hit their chemotherapy threshold.
Cancer only is able to develop in a body that is oxygen deprived or oxygen deficient in some area. Cancer cells are normal cells that morph and change in order to survive in a toxic, oxygen-depleted environment. Also, they morph and change in order to help the immune, lymph, and detoxification systems address toxicity, microbes, and bacteria that they may be failing to address because of the severity of the underlying issue.
Only 15% of the oxygen you inhale is absorbed into the bloodstream and within the blood, hemoglobin delivers this oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body. If a cell is deprived of 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours, it may become cancerous. When there is a lack of oxygen, the immune system become suppressed and unable to reach that area of the body. Further, pathogenic microbes, germs, bacteria, and viruses can seek out this oxygen deprived area because they are anaerobic. The body also will use its own bacteria at the cellular level (called protits) in order to cleanse the area of toxins and carcinogenic compounds such as mold or heavy metals.
Ozone (O3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are the simplest substances available for effectively oxygenating the body. When they dissolve in the body, they both give up their extra oxygen atom in order to produce an oxygen-rich environment.
In the 1980's, American doctors began experimenting with blood infusions of ozone in order to treat a variety of diseases. In fact, a company named Medizone in New York, was approved by the FDA in 1986 to do experiments with ozone therapy. When ozone was infused into the blood of AIDS patients, the AIDS virus was completely destroyed in vitro with no level of toxicity. In 1987, the FDA stalled and did not allow the human trials to proceed. Coincidentally, a patent for a drug called AZT was filed in the same year, which was the 1st HIV/AIDS drug.
In the past 70 years, 15,000 medical doctors, naturopaths, and homeopaths, in Europe prescribed hydrogen peroxide to 10 million or more patients to treat over 50 different diseases. Hydrogen peroxide gives the body a high concentration of oxygen so diseased cells die and normal cells are revitalized. The extra atom of O is released into the blood which causes the blood to be flooded with oxygen and maximizes the ability for hemoglobin to delivery oxygen from the blood into the cells.
In 1920, Dr. Oliver, a British physician in India, treated 25 Indian patients critically ill with pneumonia and cut the normal mortality rate from 80% to 48%. In the 1950's, Dr. Reginald Holman used 0.45% hydrogen peroxide to drinking water of rats with tumors and all tumors disappeared in 15-60 days. However, when U.S. based physicians tried to use bio-oxidative therapies, they were harassed by local medical societies and threatened with revocation of their medical licenses.
The body naturally creates and uses hydrogen peroxide. Mother's breast milk, for example, contains high amounts of hydrogen peroxide which helps the baby develop a strong immune system and gains access to high levels of oxygen. Granulocytes in the immune system produce hydrogen peroxide as a first line of defense against parasites, viruses, bacteria, and yeast. However, our bodies become depleted of both oxygen and hydrogen peroxide the more exposure that we have to stress, carcinogens, antibiotics, toxins, heavy metals, mold, etc.
If someone is diagnosed with cancer, they are definitely deficient in oxygen because cancer cannot develop in the presence of oxygen. There are multiple ways to become deficient in this crucial nutrient. When a person is chronically stressed and in fight or flight mode, the sympathetic nervous system is activated. In the sympathetic mode for the autonomic nervous system, blood flow moves away from your digestion and skin, pupils dilate, heart rate increases, and cells become closed. Closed cells are not able to receive oxygen from red blood cells, cannot receive nutrients, and cannot eliminate waste products. Thus, in a state a stress, our cells do not receive oxygen properly even when enough is available.
Next, our cells become deficient of oxygen when we are continually breathing polluted air that contains less than 21% oxygen. I remember when I lived in Santiago, Chile, I felt major effects of air pollution. Santiago was situated like a bowel with mountains surrounding it. However, all the air pollution from the millions of drivers caused the polluted air to fester in the center of the city. It was trapped in the bowel-like shape. I was a runner during these times and I remember running for miles in the city, feeling absolutely oppressed by the air pollution. After running, I would cough for hours and feel like I just smoked a pack of cigarettes. Running in Santiago proved to be worse for my health because of the exposure to air pollutants and the clear lack of oxygen in the air.
Further, antibiotic treatments deplete the body's supply of oxygen by destroying oxygen-producing aerobic bacteria in the intestines. Of course, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to an oxygen deficiency. Also, a body deplete of hemoglobin will lack the ability to transport oxygen to cells of the body. Chemotherapy can deplete hemoglobin and red blood cells to the point where oxygen transportation is not able to occur. This is one of the many side effects of chemotherapy.
When we are depleted of oxygen and hemoglobin, the internal terrain is ripe for the development of any type of cancer. To reverse the oxygen deficiency, we now need to supplement through bio-oxidative therapies. The most simple way to gain access to more oxygen is through the use of FOOD GRADE Hydrogen Peroxide (35%). Be very careful with this as there are many toxic types of hydrogen peroxide that you can purchase. It must be diluted, food grade hydrogen peroxide 35%.
To properly prepare this tonic, purchase 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide and dilute with distilled or filtered water (water not treated with chlorine or fluoride). Both chlorine and fluoride will destroy the capacity of hydrogen peroxide to deliver oxygen to your cells. Day 1, start with 3 drops diluted in 6-8 ounces of filtered water 3 times per day. You can increase the dose by 1 drop every day until you reach 25 drops in 6-8 ounces of filtered water 3 times per day. If you have a serious condition, stay at 25 drops 3 times per day for 3 weeks and then 25 drops 2 times daily for 6 months. For preventative purposes or a less serious condition, start removing one drop per day after you reach 25 drops until you are at a maintenance dose of 3 drops diluted in 6-8 ounces of filtered water 3 times per day. Take on an empty stomach or it will not work. ***YOU MUST DILUTE 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide, otherwise it could be very toxic to your body! YOU MUST TAKE food grade hydrogen peroxide that is 35% and able to be ingested. DO NOT use the topical hydrogen peroxide. If you are concerned of doing this therapy wrong, work with a health care practitioner that is familiar with the therapeutic use of hydrogen peroxide. I use hydrogen peroxide with clients, you may contact me.
**Also important: DO NOT use hydrogen peroxide if you have an organ transplant. The immune system could be stimulated and identify the organ as a foreign invader and start attacking it, leading to the rejection of that organ.
If the root of stress and adrenal fatigue are not addressed before implementing bio-oxidative therapies, your cells will not be open to receive oxygen and the therapy will not help. Work with a practitioner like The Green Umbrella to address underlying concerns so that this therapy can work properly.