First of all, Europeans know about coffee enemas. Ever read the book, French Women Don't Get Fat? Well, this is one reason why they don't get fat. They do coffee enemas. I am going to write the sequel to that book, French Women Don't Just Drink Their Coffee.
If you go to the doctor in Europe and you complain of digestive problems for you or your children, you will be given an enema. However, we have more in common with Europe than you would think. In the past, hospitals would give enemas as the first approach to any medical intervention. What changed? Our bodies have not changed, we still need to expel waste and toxins through our rectum. The Western Medical world has moved far away from natural interventions and nutrition and only recommends pharmaceutical drugs for conditions in the body.
I personally started doing coffee enemas when I was in preparation mode for becoming pregnant. I didn't want my little baby exposed to all my toxins, so I purged out as many toxins as possible prior to becoming pregnant. Cord blood was studies and on average, 287 chemicals were found in cord blood! That is a lot of chemicals that babies are exposed to in utero.
One of the vital components to my therapeutic cancer protocol is coffee enemas. I daily talk about coffee enemas, sharing this information with my clients and practitioners in training. It starts off as a joke and then I keep mentioning it until it is firmly planted in my client's brain as a vital part of their nutrition plan. Many times people think that it takes too much time or it is not very important, until they actually try it. And then they usually fall in love with the enema.
So how do enemas work?
The caffeine from enema coffee is taken up through the rectum into the descending colon via the hemorrhoidal vein. This vein carries the caffeine up to the portal vein and into the liver. The liver and biliary ducts are triggered to open and release toxins via the bile to be further eliminated through the colon.
The caffeine from the enema does not affect the central nervous system or adrenals in a negative manner because it is directly transported to the liver. When a person drinks coffee, on the other hand, the caffeine is absorbed in the lining of the stomach and shocks the adrenal glands and central nervous system. When the coffee enters the rectum, it goes to the liver to be filtered. Within the liver, the blood is cleansed of toxins 5 times (when holding coffee for 20 minutes) while the bile is triggered to release toxins.
Did you know that 70% of your immune system resides in your gut? Did you know that you have 100 trillion bacteria in your gut? Did you know that 80% of serotonin is produced in your gut?
Yes, digestion is a big deal. If you are not digesting properly, your moods are affected, your immunity is affected, and your microbiota is affected in a negative manner. Further, we are exposed to a high amount of toxic heavy metals which accumulate in the gut epithelium and in the brain where it crosses the blood brain barrier. Glutathione is vitally important to be able to detoxify these heavy metals. When coffee enemas are done, palmitic acid in the coffee boasts glutathione in the body by about 700%. Glutathione is a vital antioxidant in the body and tends to be deficient or not working properly in those diagnosed with cancer.
German scientists explored how coffee enemas could open up the bile ducts and even increase the amount of bile produced by the liver. Dr. Gerson discovered that toxicity and an inability to detoxify as a major root to cancer in his patients. Thus, he implemented juicing and coffee enemas to help cleanse the liver.
Theophylline and theobromine in the enema coffee work to dilate blood vessels and counter inflammation of the gut. The after effects of a coffee enema are astounding: reduction of inflammation in the gut, cleansing of the blood, release of toxins, xenoestrogens, heavy metals, bacteria, and other waste products from the liver via the bile, increasing of glutathione by 700% which reduces free radical damage, elevated moods because of increased serotonin in the gut, and more.
Coffee enemas are cornerstone to any cancer treatment because of their immense ability to assist the body in detoxification and cleansing of the liver and the blood. In the area of the tumor/cancer cells, the body suffers from hypoxia or a deficiency of oxygen. Red blood cells are vital to the transport of oxygen through the body. Another way that coffee enemas greatly assist the body in a diagnosis of cancer is that detoxification speeds up the creation of red blood cells, which in turn increases the amount of oxygen transported throughout the body and the brain. The body can more easily send oxygen to the oxygen deprived areas in the body where cancer cells are replicating.
In order to administer a coffee enema, take the following steps:
1. Purchase enema coffee (I prefer the dark roast):
http://www.optimalhealthnetwor nema-buckets-and-kits/ (We recommend the stainless steel enema buckets)
4. Have a yoga mat, towel, and pillow on hand
5. Optional: cheese cloth to strain coffee
Once you have your enema coffee, boil filtered water. Start with 2 Tablespoons of enema coffee and over time you can work your way up to 5 Tablespoons of enema coffee. Add 2 Tablespoons of enema coffee to boiling water. Boil on low for 12 minutes. Allow coffee to cool.
Once coffee is cool, slowly add coffee to enema bucket, straining with cheese cloth if you like. I skip straining with cheese cloth as I find it too tedious. Put enema bucket on the edge of your bathroom counter so the tubing is hanging down to the ground. Lay on a towel, yoga mat, with your head on a pillow. Add lubrication to tubing and place tubing into your rectum.
Open the nozzle on the tubing and slowly allow coffee to enter your colon through your rectum. Close nozzle periodically in order to keep coffee from entering your colon too quickly. After all of the coffee is inside your colon, lie on your right hand side and try to hold the coffee inside for about 15 minutes. The first few times that you attempt to do an enema, you may not be able to hold it for very long. The vagus nerve is the nerve that connects your central nervous system to your enteric nervous system, which is the nervous system of your gut. The vagus nerve may be in a weakened state which makes it hard to hold the coffee inside for too long. Over time, the vagus nerve will become strengthened through coffee enemas.
Thus, do like the French do and get your coffee enema kits! Your body and health will thank you!
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