Monday, March 31, 2014

The Irritating Truth

In what areas are you taking full responsibility of your life?  In what areas are you only taking partial responsibility of your life?  How successful are the areas of your life that you are only taking partial responsibility?

When it comes to our personal health goals, taking full responsibility is so important to becoming healthy and well.  So many times, I am in a session with a client and they talk themselves out of deciding to pursue health. 

There are many reasons why it seems easier to not take full responsibility.  For example, it is cheaper, more convenient, and much easier to eat fast food or to eat pizza for dinner.  But with every decision, I will bear the consequence to that decision.  If the decision becomes a pattern, my health will eventually suffer for this pattern. 

If I don’t take full responsibility for my health, other areas of my life will most definitely be affected as well.  The tough truth is that if my health is not my responsibility because it is “too hard” or “too expensive” or because there are just too many treats at my office, then I am deferring my responsibility and avoiding the tasks and diligence that it requires to be healthy.  Thus, I am even forgoing my right to have health.

“The truth that you are in charge of your life will set you free only after it really irritates you (Sky St. John).”  It may be an irritating truth that you are the only one in charge of your health, your finances, your career path, and your life and marriage.  It is so annoying that no one can really help me until I decide that I am taking charge.  However, once I delve into the responsibility, I feel the benefits of the diligence and the decision to pursue health. 

Any decision that I defer and chose not to make is already made for me.  If I chose not to ask my boss for a raise, then I chose to stay where I am in my company.  If I chose to leave my job and start a business, then the success or failure of that business is my responsibility and I will reap the joy or sorrow of the end result. 

When I was 25 years old, I took the first step of taking full responsibility of my health by reading 1 book.  As soon as I read that book, I made a decision to change my entire lifestyle to support health.  As soon as I was 30 days into the journey, I was reaping the benefits of more energy, more joy, and more clarity in my mind.

So many of us surrender to the “reality of aging” or have the mentality that certain symptoms of aging are “normal.”  This is a small way that we defer the responsibility that we have to take care of our health. 

“Full responsibility is acknowledging that life is my mirror, every thought is a request, and the only thing that I need to change in order to be happier is me (MK Mueller).”  I have spoken to married women before who are bitter, angry, and hardened towards their husbands.  Many times, I hear the women complain bitterly that if only their husband loved them more then they would be happy or they would be able to love their children more.  I was saddened when one mother told me how she rejected her son because she was not happy in her marriage with her husband.  Her son suffered much by being rejected by his mother.  However, she did not take full responsibility for this thought and behavior towards her child.  Rather, she blamed her husband for her rejecting her son. 

As long as she continues to believe the lie that her husband is responsible for the rejection of her son, she will continue with the behavior of rejecting her son.  The husband will not suffer for it because he is oblivious.  Instead, she and her son will suffer the consequences of this grave error. 

We only have control over our own lives and we have no control over the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of other human being.  We must choose to take full responsibility of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.  When we change our attitude towards our health by choosing the annoying reality that I am the only one who will keep myself health, then we will reap the benefits of choosing a healthy lifestyle. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Attitude Eating

Many times, as I meet with clients, I tell them that I wish it were as easy as giving them a list of things to do and not do within their diet and lifestyle; however, it is never that simple.  We are complex, integrated people and our health needs to be looked at in different angles in order to understand and unravel the hindrances to our health journey.

Our actions and behaviors day to day happen after we have thought about it, after we have felt it, and after we have made a decision in our will to move forward.  If I think that it is Monday and I am going to have a horrible day and then I feel mad and then I imagine myself eating a chocolate brownie and feeling better, I make my way to the nearest brownie store and I buy a brownie as big as my face and I eat it. 

I may feel good about it for a moment.  But then I pay.  I lived out my thoughts, my emotions, and my intentions for the day.  We need to learn to command our days, set out thoughts in order and choice a positive attitude. 

I have heard of emotional eating, but I have never heard anyone talk about attitude eating.  Some of us have the wrong attitude towards our health and this is the root issue to the sabotaging of our health.

Attitude is defined as:  a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior.  The main thing that concerns me about attitude is that it is "settled" in people's minds so many times and that people are not flexible and ready to change their attitude if necessary.

In addition, researchers suggest that there are several different components that make up attitudes:

1.  An Emotional Component:  How the object, person, issue, or event makes you feel.
2.  A Cognitive Component:  Your thoughts and beliefs about the subject.
3.  A Behavioral Component:  How the attitude influences your behavior.  

In terms of health, it is important that we examine our conscious and unconscious attitudes towards our health, health in general, and what it means to be healthy.  Many times, we will find that we have opposing and conflicting beliefs, thoughts, and emotions that strongly influence our behavior and actions in regards to taking care of our health or not taking care of our health.

For example, someone may hold the following attitude about health:  “I don’t see what the big deal is about health.  It is too expensive.  I feel angry that someone could possibly suggest that I am in control of my health based on the choices that I make.  Obviously, my health is predisposed from the genetics of my grandparents and ancestral line.  I have diabetes because my dad did, my grandpa did, and his dad did as well.  I have no control over my health.”

With that kind of attitude, it is easy to see how out of control this person’s eating patterns and lifestyle would become.  Eating to satisfy the flesh and taste buds becomes of utmost importance as well as convenience and ease of speed.  This person will most likely be dependent on insulin with no hope of regaining any balance.

I often ask my clients if they believe that they can be healthy.  Most people will say yes.  However, in further questioning, it most often comes to the surface that they will always have to take this or that drug because of the severity of their health crisis.  The truth about their attitude towards their health reveals how proactive and open to solutions they will be.

When I was seeking solutions to my own health, after having been diagnosed with PCOS, it became my definitive attitude that my health crisis would be resolved and that I would have a regular period.  What I believed to be true fully manifested only 3 years after I made the transition to believing and walking in the attitude of receiving this truth.

One simple exercise that you can implement is visualization.  Every day, practice visualizing yourself as a healthy, happy, balanced person.    Watch as you go into a co-op or a health foods store and find the most healthy, vibrant foods.  Watch as you purchase these items without batting an eye at the cost.  Then watch as you eat these foods and feel so healthy and good.  Visualize what you would do if you had vibrant health.  As you begin this ritual, you will be amazed at the transformation of your beliefs, attitudes, and finally behaviors.  Soon, you will be walking in and receiving your healing as well!