Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Soul Ties

Did you know that your soul can be tied to someone in a good way or a negative way?  Are you being controlled and manipulated by your child, friend, spouse, or parent?  This is one way to discern between a good soul tie or a negative soul tie.

Your soul is your mind, will, and emotions.  We are wired to make decisions based upon reasoning in our mind and emotions.  We make decisions based upon how we feel in any given moment or based on what we have been meditating on the last few days or hours.

I remember the first time that I realized that I had a negative soul tie.  I was in college and my mind was full, beyond capacity actually, of thoughts concerning a male friend of mine.  I could not get him out of my head.  I spoke with him every day and when I wasn't speaking to him, I was thinking about him, journaling about him, or talking to my friends about him.  I was obsessed.

Anything that he wanted, I would do.  Thankfully, he was a nice guy and did not take advantage of my obsession.  However, I had a serious problem in my soul.  I was bound.  I was not free to be me and to do what I wanted to do in life.

Anytime I had plans with a girlfriend, if my male friend called me and wanted to hang out, I would skip out on my girlfriend.  I was not normally like this.  Normally, I was a faithful friend and always showed up where I was supposed to be.

However, I felt completely out of control in this relationship.  I was out of control of my emotions, my mind, and my will.  I was controlled by my intense desires for this one man.  It was like a super-charged vacuum the size of a house that pulled me at every whim and moment.

I remember one particular day when I was praying and meditating by myself at my house.  I felt a still voice say, you need to let go of this relationship.  I felt so much fear when I heard that reverberate within my soul.  I knew that something needed to change.  But I didn't know how I could move forward with my life without this particular friendship.  I was scared of the gaping whole within my soul and the emptiness of being alone.

I was in bondage to an unhealthy soul tie.  This soul tie needed to be broken for me to experience freedom in my mind, my emotions, and my will.  I remember my friend praying to break the soul tie and literally feeling something break off of me.

It was different than I expected.  It took some adjustments, but I felt a new freedom of space in my mind and my emotions.  I had new sparks of creativity and spontaneity.  I felt freedom and space to pursue more relationships with friends.

It was the best thing that could have happened for my emotional health.  It is important for us to be honest and to assess which relationships in our lives are contributing to our emotional health and well-being and which relationships are controlled our mind, will, and emotions.