Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The $4 cancer cure

Dr. Tullio Simoncini is another doctor who started with conventional training in oncology and now uses the most inexpensive treatment option for cancer.  Dr. Simoncini describes in one interview how he sat in one of his oncology classes listening to his professor say, "We don't fully know or understand what cancer is, cancer is a mystery."  He thought to himself, this doesn't make sense.  How have we studied cancer for so long without understanding what it is?  Further, Dr. Simoncini decided to find out what cancer is so that he could effectively treat his patients.  

He began his internship working with children with cancer on an oncology ward in a hospital.  Dr. Simoncini describes how his heart would break, seeing these children struggling and many of them dying.  He desperately needed to find a cure.

When he started to work with cancer patients with skin cancer, he tried using iodine treatments on the skin.  He saw astounding results.  Through observing the tumors in his patients, he further questioned the color.  Every tumor was white, it looked like fungus, like a mushroom.  He speculated that the tumors were a fungal infection in the body.  Knowing that sodium bicarbonate would eliminate fungus, Dr. Simoncini started to experiment with administering this simple substance.  To his amazement, tumors started to regress with the treatment of sodium bicarbonate.  

In fact, his first patient to use the sodium bicarbonate was an 11-year old who was in a coma after suffering with leukemia.  His mother begged Dr. Simoncini to treat her son and to allow her one more conversation.  Through a glucose and sodium bicarbonate IV, a full day later, her son came out of his coma and began speaking in full sentences to his mother.  

The most incredible part about this story is the fact that oncologists have been using sodium bicarbonate for years when administering chemotherapy to their patients.  The sodium bicarbonate is meant to protect the patients kidneys.  Without sodium bicarbonate, modern oncology may not exist because patients would die too quickly from the acidic/toxic impact of chemotherapy agents such as mustard gas.

What is sodium bicarbonate and why is it working so well for Dr. Simoncini?

Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is an electron donor and is produced in the stomach, pancreas, and kidneys.  Sodium bicarbonate facilitates the following functions in the body:
  • Helps oxygen dissociate from hemoglobin
  • Neutralizes acid
  • Protects digestive enzymes
  • Increases blood fluids
  • Aids detoxification
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-fungal
  • Combined with iodine, can affect microbes in the blood
  • Increases tumor pH and inhibits spontaneous metastasis
  • Induces cellular alkalization through bicarbonate transport system 
  • Regulates cellular pH through bicarbonate transport system
  • Regulates whole body pH through bicarbonate transport system
  • Regulates cell volume and fluid secretion through bicarbonate transport system
  • Disposes body's major metabolic waste product 
Thus, sodium bicarbonate has many valuable therapeutic functions in the body and has been successfully used by Dr. Simoncini in treating a variety of cancers.  In fact, he has seen well over 1,000 patients going into remission through his administration of sodium bicarbonate through IVs.  

Be careful in googling Dr. Simoncini as he has not escaped persecution and slander to his name by various websites and Internet sites such as "The Quack Watch."  So many amazing holistic doctors and advocates for effective alternative treatments have been chosen to be listed on the Quack Watch that it must now be a prerequisite for being so amazing and ahead of your time that normal people cannot handle your findings and truth in light of mainstream approaches to cancer.  Or is big Pharma simply paying Quack Watch to "expose" highly effective holistic cancer doctors?  

Also, don't be surprised if you find Dr. Simoncini accused of manslaughter for one of his patients.  Because that happened too.  Even though the patient in question was never a patient but simply someone he spoke to over the phone.  

The plot thickens.  And more and more people are being enlightened and awakened to truth and ideas/innovations that could save millions of peoples lives.  Let's continue, despite the challenges, lies, and fear tactics.  Someones life is counting on us and needing the truth.