Thursday, September 12, 2013

Birth Control

The only time I would have a period was on birth control.  When I was not on birth control, I would not have a period.  The cysts would prevent my body from having a normal cycle. 

At the point when I was searching for answers and a real solution, I began questioning the birth control that I had been taking for 4 years.  If I only had a period with birth control, where was the true healing?  Where was the resolution?  How would I have children one day if my body was completely reliant on birth control in order to have somewhat of a “normal” cycle?

I needed a new approach.  Thus, I decided to try coming off of the birth control.  I felt an urging, a compelling voice whispering to me to jump, jump off the mountain and find a different question to your problem and you will find a different answer.  The question I had been asking is, how can I adapt to PCOS?  The question I needed to be asking is how can PCOS adapt to me?   I came off my birth control with the idea that it would just be gone.  I would have my period and there would be no issues.

The first month came and went and nothing, no period, no cramping, no migraines.  Absolutely nothing.

I started seeing a chiropractor.  I knew that after getting my spine in alignment that my period would start to come.  I knew that it would come.

The second month came and went.  Nothing.  It felt uncomfortable, like something was stuck inside of me and could not find its way out. 

I was determined though.  When I decided that I was going to do something, I would see it all the way through.  I was going to see this through until I found the correct answer to my question, my new question.

How can PCOS adapt to me and my desires to be a mother?  I knew that I would find the answer.

The third month came and went uneventful.  Nothing.  I continued on with chiropractic and added some supplements into what I was doing.  I became more and more “granola” and focused on organic, nutrient dense food.

I was going to beat this stupid disease label.  I was going to figure it out.

The year kept on going and month after month I would expect some sign of healing, some manifestation of the cysts shriveling up and dying.  Nothing came.  7 months later, I was in the same situation but moving to South Africa to work at an orphanage. 

I liked the feeling of not being on birth control.  I liked being free of medication.  I knew that the answer was coming; I just didn’t see the change yet.

I went to Africa with some supplements and hope that things were changing.  At least my thinking was changing.  At least I had hope and I was going to find the answer, somehow and someway.  My belief and hope was that I would beat PCOS and would not have to live life with this label and with this disease.  This was a huge change and the first step towards my eventual healing.